
How to Cultivate California Papaya


How to Cultivate California Papaya. The California variety of papaya plant is one type of papaya that is currently popular and is currently being planted by many farmers because it is very promising for its benefits. California papaya has become more popular over time. Many farmers and gardeners grow California papaya varieties on a large scale.

The California Papaya plant has seeds with small, oval-shaped grains. If sown, the leaves are light green and under 7 months old, there are pigtails or antennae that rise short at the tips of the leaves. The height of the papaya tree is relatively dwarf, 1.5 – 2 m with short stems and fronds.

This is closely related to the increasing market demand for California papaya. Consumers seem to prefer papaya from America. The thick flesh, sweet taste, and longer shelf life are some of the reasons why California papaya is in great demand.

read too : How to Plant Strawberries Hydroponically

Farmers and gardeners choose this variety for several reasons, including the high productivity and fast fruiting (dwarf) of the California papaya. Another reason is its tolerance to climate and weather. The California papaya variety can also be planted and grows optimally anywhere, including on peatlands.

This type of papaya does not have specific growing requirements because this variety can grow optimally in lowland, central and mountainous areas. California papaya can be cultivated at any time, both in the rainy season and the dry season. Good soil for growing California papaya is loose, slightly sandy, and rich in humus. This variety is best grown in well-drained soil that is not waterlogged or muddy. The ideal pH for California papaya is between 6.0 and 7.0 (neutral) and requires full sun.

Techniques for Planting California Type Papaya

1. How to Prepare and Sow California Papaya Seeds

It is best to use quality seeds that have been tested for satisfactory results. California papaya reproduces by seed (generatively). Seeds can be found in farm stores, with many brands of California papaya seeds currently on the market. Seeds are sown first in polybags with a minimum diameter of 10 cm. The plant substrate is a mixture of soil, bark, charcoal, compost/fertilizer in a ratio of 3:2:1. Mix all the ingredients until evenly mixed, then put it in an open place away from rain and direct sunlight. After 7 or 10 days, put the planting medium in a polybag and the California papaya seeds are ready to be planted. Seedlings can be planted at the age of 1 or 1.5 months.

2. Preparing California Papaya Land

How to Cultivate California Papaya - The land is first cleaned of weeds, wood roots and previous plant remains. The land is then plowed or weeded. Sprinkle dolomite lime if the soil pH is below 6.0. Arrange drainage by making beds or ditches. The bed is made with a width of 1.5-2 meters, the height and length are adjusted to the conditions of the country. The distance between beds is 80-100 cm. Ditches and benches are made with the aim of facilitating irrigation in the dry season and preventing the soil from pooling in the rainy season.

3. Sowing California Papaya Seeds

Before sowing the seeds, make a planting hole in the bed. The planting hole is made with dimensions of 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm (modified to suit the size of the polybag). The planting holes in the bed are 2.5-3 meters apart, then sprinkle dolomite lime in the planting holes if the pH is below 6.0. Allow about 2 weeks before sowing the seeds. Then prepare a mixture of soil and fertilizer with a 1:1 composition, put it in a place protected from rain for 2-3 weeks. This soil is useful for collecting planted seeds and acts as basic fertilizer.

Once the holes are drilled and all the above preparations are made, it's time to plant the California papaya seeds in the field. Use healthy, disease-free seeds. Open the polybag carefully so that the planting medium does not break, then plant the seeds in the planting hole. one seed one hole. Fill the planting hole with the prepared mixture of soil and fertilizer. Press a little to harden so that the seeds don't crumble easily and dry out. Planting should be done in the afternoon. After planting, wash with plenty of water (if the soil is dry). Check plants regularly after planting. Prune as soon as the plant dies or is disturbed by pests. Sutures can be performed up to 3 weeks of age or up to 1 month after implantation.

4. How to Fertilize California Papaya Monitoring and Types of Fertilizer Used by California Papaya Plants

Must receive additional fertilizer for good growth. Fertilizer is given at least once every 3 months. After fertilization, it is given as fertilizer up to 10-15 kg per tree. NPK fertilizer can also be added at a dose of 100-150 kg for one growing season. The manure used must be mature or old manure. The fertilizer was distributed to me

How to Plant Strawberries Hydroponically

How to Plant Strawberries Hydroponically

How to Plant Strawberry Hydroponics - Hydroponics is a cultivation educational without soil media that does not provide nutrients and is the degree of agriculture under controlled environmental conditions. Strawberries aren't a touch vegetative manner by way of the usage of vines aka stolon. Sulur is a special stem springing up from the leaf's armpits. Sulur grows parallel to the soil and form buds of each sapling. In each e-book buds develop roots and develop into new plants. From every parent plant can be received 20 timber to be seeded. If the seeds have grown and feature 4-5 portions of leaves can be moved to the bed with a spacing of 15 × 15 cm. Before transferred the seeds must be decided on first, which is selected seeds are healthful and robust. Two months later the vines are prepared to be moved into the lawn (Herlinayanti, 2003).

Strawberries belong to one of the few easy-to-use flora with in vitro techniques. From one shoot meristem potential of 0.5 to 0.7 mm can be produced 15-20 shoots according to week. Of the 15 shoots obtained may be divided into 7-eight agencies, each along with two shoots. Within 6-8 weeks the new organization will re-form some of shoots. Then the shoots are damaged down into businesses to provide lots of flowers (Gunawan, 1996).

According Gunawan (2008) critical aspect in before make planting in greenhouse is sterilization of greenhouse. Sterilization is performed a good way to smooth the complete greenhouse from microorganisms (eggs / larvae, viruses, bacteria and fungi) that could worsen the plant. There are numerous substances that can be used in sterilization, among others; Lysol, formaldehyde and some forms of pesticides, by using the way: 5% Formalin is sprayed onto all degrees of greenhouse with a awareness of five cc / liter of water; Within four-5 days after spraying formalin followed through spraying of insecticides (insecticides and fungicides) and repeated up to 2-3 instances A day before planting medium, greenhouse sprayed with lysol solution with 3-five cc / liter water attention and Installation of foot disinfectant tub So that infection can't be added into the greenhouse. 

When grown in pots, the media have to have shaft properties, smooth to seep water and nutrients frequently there (Anonymous, 2009a). While strawberry flora are planted in a closed area (greenhouse) can use rockwool media aka charcoal husk. Rockwool is limestone, which is blended with yarn fibers processed at high temperatures (600º C). Charcoal husk comes from the blistered rice husk. Both planting medium is used for planting through hydroponics. In fashionable, husk charcoal is extra normally used by farmers for the planting of non-binding nutrient strawberries. So the vitamins that are given to flora can be controlled and no longer harm the roots while the vegetation are eliminated (Budiman and Desi, 2005).

In the hydroponic cultivation device the important vitamins wished through the plant are furnished within the form of solution / vitamins. The nutrient answer is built with an instructional dissolving the salts of the fertilizer in water. Some salt-kind fertilizers may be used for nutrient solution (Anonymous, 2009b). One of the problems in making ready this nutrient answer is the lack of ultimate nutrient dosage for plant growth. At too low doses the effect of nutrient answer is unreal, whereas in too high doses it may displace the plant undergoing plasmolysis, ie the discharge of cell fluid due to interest by way of the more concentrated nutrient solution (Wijayani, 2000; Marschner, 1986).

Fertilization and Watering (fertigation) on the cultivation of hydroponics structures are normally done in the equal way. Technical fertigation can be executed with manual alias drip irrigation system (Drip irrigation machine). But the best technical fertigation is the watering system of drops due to the fact fertigation may be allotted in a uniform way, minimizing labor, saving time. There are numerous factors that want interest inside the watering gadget drops namely; The price of water (supply of water) will be smooth and unfastened from sicknesses and chemical substances, nutritional cost with nutrient composition with the wishes of vegetation and has a 100% soluble performance, time, volume and frequency of fertigation and media type used (Gunawan, 2008).

There are several critical factors in figuring out the hydroponic vitamins method which include: Wear water-soluble salts; Minimize the content of sodium, chloride, ammonium and natural nitrogen factors not wanted for plant increase and Wear non-opposed salt composition with each different. [source]

What is Hydroponics

What is Hydroponics

What is Hydroponics - Hydroponics comes from Greek, Hydroponic . Divided into  syllables, hydro this means that water and ponous method paintings. In accordance with this that means, hydroponic planting is a planting technology that uses water, nutrients, and oxygen. Not every now and then cultivated hydroponics used as a interest of free time filler for a few human beings. Not even a interest, there may be also then maintain to come to be a commercial enterprise. The most outstanding distinction between hydroponics and conventional cultivation is the supply of plant nutrients. In traditional cultivation, the availability of vitamins for crops relies upon closely on the capacity of the soil to offer nutrients in sufficient quantities and whole. Hydroponics is usually used to grow greens and culmination. Even some greens and culmination were normally hydroponically grown. Call it peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and inexperienced vegetables.

Hydroponic cultivation has become a trend today as it utilizes the water media rather for the soil, but has shortcomings in phrases of time for people with dense busyness. Today's automation device has been carried out in almost every subject of work that ambitions to help simplify human work, due to the fact it's miles automatic. Using microcontroller with IC Atmega 328P included with numerous sensors, automation system for hydroponics, amongst others, to adjust the pump, LED grow light, fertilization gadget, as well as offer statistics a situation to the hydroponic proprietor. Land on this planet at the prevailing time is getting narrower if humans do no longer manage with top of the line and green. Many city citizens make the reforestation community higher called Go Green. This community become formed to re-inexperienced the metropolis, but now not some are not involved in any respect with this inexperienced movement because it feels stricken to achieve this, not a few of them are lazy and afraid of grimy.

Recent years have been a whole lot of Hydroponics motion as a gardening solution for citizens in city areas. Hydroponics is the artwork of planting with water media that works as an opportunity substitute for the soil. Hydroponics derived from the Greek, Hydroponic this means that hydro way water and ponous means paintings. Many forms of hydroponics are compact to deal with narrow land due to the fact it could be organized vertically, one among that is NFT (Nutrient Film Technique). Hydroponics within the network usually nonetheless use manual device and comparatively costly in terms of time, amongst others for measuring acid levels (pH) in water and realize the quantity of water used. Based at the above, an automatic machine for hydroponics of NFT became evolved. Automation gadget to be carried out to hydroponics NFT using atmega 328P microcontroller and diverse sensors.

According to Nicholls (1986), all is possible with a very good dating between the plant with the vicinity of increase. The primary detail needed via plants isn't always soil, but the water reserves contained in the soil are absorbed via the roots and additionally the guide provided between the soil and the increase. Knowing that the roots of vegetation that grow at the soil absorb water and critical materials from the soil, which means that no ground, a plant can grow so long as it's far given sufficient water and nutrient salts. [1] Dr. WF Gericke of the University of California is the daddy of hydroponics. In the Nineteen Thirties experiments planted vegetables on water, one in every of which became tomatoes. Background Gericke examines this hydroponic machine, as he sees the vicinity of ​​land round him an increasing number of shrinking for overgrown flowers. So, Hydroponics is the art of planting with water media as a power or a powerhouse. The maximum prominent distinction among hydroponics and conventional cultivation is the supply of plant nutrients. In conventional cultivation, the availability of nutrients for plants depends heavily on the ability of the soil to offer vitamins in sufficient portions and whole. Types of hydroponics, amongst others: drip irrigation, wick device, and NFT.

Hydroponics itself can be classified into , specifically the active device and passive system. Hydroponics active system this is where the water solution at the side of vitamins is made to transport and flow into by the usage of water pump. Examples are DFT (Deep Flow Technique), NFT (Nutrient Film Technique), and Aeroponics. While hydroponic passive system that is nutrient-wealthy solution absorbed by way of the medium and exceeded to the roots of plant life, without flow. Examples of passive hydroponic structures include Wick (Axis). Here is a assessment table among the two hydroponic systems. [source]

This is the Tomato Danger You must be watch out for

Tomato Danger

Here's The Tomato Danger You Should Be Aware - Tomatoes are the primary plant life found in South America, still related to eggplants, potatoes, and pink or green peppers. Tomatoes consist of fruits due to their structure, have flesh and seeds which might be secure if swallowed. However, until this modern is still a variety of individuals who think of tomatoes as a vegetable, in all likelihood due to the fact one among its functions as a vegetable salad. Tomato fruit is very famous in the global, particularly in Indonesia, which has long been cultivated for a long time. One thing that is less favored than tomatoes is its vulnerable resistance, so it is easy to rot. To be durable, the tomatoes have to be frozen with numerous steps starting with selection, washing, boiling, soaking, peeling, and ending with freezing inside the fridge. But behind it tomatoes sincerely have side effects or dangers, properly the following from the dangers of Tomato Fruit.
  • Weakening of the immune device. The immune system becomes unbalanced because inside the raw tomato carotenoid pigment lycopene. These chemicals if the quantity is affordable will significantly help in preventing cancer. However, if immoderate in eating the existing immune device becomes impaired and the frame will lose its feature to shield itself from a few microbes or microorganisms consisting of bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause sickness. At the equal time, this situation additionally can't restore the bodily damage that exists.
  • Gastrointestinal troubles. Because the tomatoes are enriched with acid content material, excessive consumption can disrupt the digestive device. GERD ailment (acid reflux disorder) is a clinical time period that could be a fashionable description of intestinal issues.
  • Triggering IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The antioxidant lycopene can also change into a bait disorder like IBS if the amount is an excessive amount of inside the body. The body can even revel in a few different bowel issues like belly gasoline, bloating, digestive ganggunam, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and plenty extra. Therefore, it isn't advocated for lycopene consumption more than 30 mg per day.
  • Forming kidney stones. If you have formerly suffered from small kidney stone troubles, it isn't always recommended to eat many tomatoes. The purpose is because tomatoes are a source of calcium and oxalate compounds which each might be difficult to digest if earlier than you have suffered kidney stones. In some instances, excessive consuming of tomatoes will make calcium and oxalate gather in the kidneys and shape large stones.
  • Excess diet. Vitamin overdose may be precipitated by using the tomato vegetables you eat each day, in quotes when the amount is immoderate. Consuming a medium-sized tomato will meet one-10th of daily vitamin requirement, precisely 1,0.5 IU of Vitamin A and 17 mg of nutrition C. If the amount is an excessive amount of, there are troubles including headache, nausea, vomiting, kidney disease, etc. In essence, even if you realize that the fitness advantages of tomatoes for splendor and really plenty. Excessive consumption of tomatoes additionally has damaging health effects. In addition to the above 5 aspect effects, in truth there are still a few more like allergies, malnutrition, causing prostate most cancers. And change the colour of the pores and skin to be a piece of porority. So, if you intend to present nutrition intake to the body via manner of tomato intake. Eat with an inexpensive quantity, do now not you observed with the aid of growing the dose of intake will make the body extra healthy, however now not due to the fact it can spoil expectations.

How to Plant Rice Well and True

padi, Rice

How to Plant Rice Well and True - Rice is one critical plant this is crucial for the human beings of Indonesia. Rice is processed bida into rice that is the staple meals of Indonesian society. For rice farmers, nothing is extra satisfying than getting an awesome nice pie.

Certainly to get exceptional rice harvest , farmers haveua apply the way to plant rice nicely and efficiently. Here is how to plant rice nicely and effectively.

How to Plant Rice Well and True

  • The first level is to cultivate the planting land in an effort to be used to plant rice . In standard there are  ways to domesticate planting land, specifically by way of trasidional and contemporary manner.
  • The conventional manner is cultivation of land with easy equipment together with sickles, hoes, plows and rakes all achieved through human labor or assisted through animals.
  • The current manner is the processing of paddy fields which can be executed through the system, for example with tractors and land-processing system that uses engine energy.
  • Soil remedy may be carried out by clearing the land from the final plant, grass or straw. Then embankment, better flooded water first in order that the method of grafting less complicated. Then piracy and then renewal.

  • The next step is to discover excellent seeds . The trick is to put together the material size 20 x30 cm and soak the seeds dalah water for two hours and region on top of the wetted kkain. Kusian wait 3-5 days, and wait until the seeds germinate. If ninety% of seeds are delivered the seeds are certified seeds.
  • The next degree is the nursery , attempt to area the seedbed achieved inside the soil fertile, loose, smooth to get water, and without delay uncovered to daylight.

Rice fields

  • After the seedbed is prepared then the seed is sown. But earlier than choosing seeds that are pithy and now not pithy. Soak the seeds into the water, the seeds which can be submerged in water are the seeds which might be pithy and the floating seeds will flow. Use drowned beans best. Still soak the seeds that sink for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours the seeds are taken from the marinade and then wrapped in banana leaf and sack and go away for eight hours. Wait till the seeds germinate up to at least one mm. Thus seeds ready sowing.
  • Continue to flood the seeding up to 24 hours, after 24 hours then dry. This is so that the seeds do not rot and will accelerate the boom of rice seeds . If the seed is huge sufficient, the flooding is carried out conditionally most effective. Unplug the seedlings which can be 25-forty days after planting. The trick is pull five-10 stems of seeds and pull closer to your frame, and attempt to maintain the trunk is not damaged.
  • How to plant an awesome rice seed is to run to the proper and to the left with a distance of 20 x 20 cm, do it backwards. Keep the plant upright and nobody is tilted. And planting now not too deep or too shallow.
 planting rice

  • Keep the water used for irrigation is water coming from the river. For vegetation that are nevertheless zero-8 days after planting excessive water as much as 5 cm most effective. For flora forty five days after planting water top 10-20 cm. And the flora which have fashioned the grass and leaves have yellowed, the water intensity is delivered to twenty-five cm.
  • Stitching may be performed after the seeds are 10 days after planting. And do weeding across the rice plant as it will disrupt the increase of rice. Weeding is achieved two times, for the primary while the rice is 3 weeks after planting and the next is while the rice is 6 weeks after planting.
  • The next level is fertilization carried out with natural fertilizer inclusive of manure, compost and other element, use 10 ton / ha. Do this fertilization when the flowers are 7-10 days earlier than the plant is planted. Then supply artificial fertilizers together with urea, ZK and others.
  • For the upkeep of vegetation to avoid pests and sicknesses by spraying, Aldrin, Endrin, Diazinon or disuluh (mounted lighting).


  • Harvesting of rice may be executed when aged 30-35 days after flowering. With the characteristics of the leaf flag has dried 95%, water content levels 20% and grain loss approximately 16-30%.

Well it's how to plant rice well and effectively . You can observe to your rice cultivation. Do no longer forget to study other gardening articles just here . Happy gardening and optimistically useful.

source : berkebun.web.id

How to Plant Chicken Hydroponics Easily

How to Plant Chicken Hydroponics Easily

How to Plant Chicken Hydroponics With Easy - Hieroponic planting techniques are actually being broadly favored due to the fact the planting device uses water media, making it more green location and outcomes obtained extra abundantly. In addition, by way of the use of this method the plant can take in more nutrients optimally.

In addition this approach is also very appropriate for fanatics of busy flowers and have little time to take care of the plants because with this method you do not need watering at any time. Usually this technique is widely carried out by using the lovers of vegetation that live in urban regions. For novices usually begin via planting simple leaf vegetables, one example is chili. Here are a few ways to get chili with hydroponics .

How to Plant Chicken Hydroponics Easily
  • The first stage for planting hydroponic chillies is through sowing chili seeds that may be discovered within the chillies on your kitchen. Choose a very good chilli, old and now not unwell. Take the seeds and at once planted on the media seedlings within the form of a combination of soil, compost and charcoal husk with a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
  • Spread chilli seeds on the seed medium with a distance of 3 × three cm and cover via the usage of the floor in haluss above it. Spray seedlings by using water and wait 5-7 days hingg after seeding till the seeds start to germinate.

  • The next step is to put together the planting media of hydroponic chilli. Media planting hydroponic chilli can use a combination of husk charcoal and cocopeat (coconut powder) with a ratio of 1: 1 and blend it flat. Also put together flannel cloth for nutrient absorption media to the plant.
  • Next is to put together a planting place that can be a dietary tank and pots that you may get at the gadgets that are around you. To prepare a reservoir and pots, you can see the subsequent scheme
  • After planting media and region of planting were organized chilli seedlings may be moved into the planting medium whilst the seedlings had been aged 25-30 days after seeding. Try while the technique of elimination of root seeds isn't interrupted. In order to greater without problems pass it by way of manner of flushing the media then seeded then gouged with the media.
  • Wash seedlings from seedling media the usage of clean water and do it carefully. After washing you could plant into a pot that has been organized and flush with sufficient water.
  • Place the flowers in the color and do not allow the planting medium to dry. Put on the place for five-7 days and then you can placed the chili flowers in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight.
  • The nutrients used for hydroponic chillies are the AB Mix nutrients created specially for plants grown with hydroponics strategies . For the doses used for hydroponic chilli, you could pay attention to the following table.
  • In addition to meeting the provision of nutrients, the shape of maintenance of hydroponic chili plant life is likewise a form of pest and disease control. You can commit even decrease the dietary solution if the nutrients begin to decrease or excess. Try no longer to dry the plant life or maybe run out of nutrients.
  • Pests that usually assault hydroponic chili flora consist of mites, aphids, thrips, caterpillars, antrakosa, fruit rot, leaf spot and so forth. For the coping with you could do the disposal or destruction of the infected plant element.
  • But if the pest has attacked your hydroponic chilli plant to intense then you ought to put off and burn the pepper plant life which might be attacked by using pests, so as no longer to spread to different flora.
  • Spray the vegetation with leaf fertilizer every one week as this could meet the desires of micro nutrients during the vegetative increase. When hydroponic flora enter the generative length, spray with fruit fertilizer, you could use A / B gandasil, Growmore, Bayfoan, POC Nasa or supergrow.
  • You can harvest the hydroponic chillies whilst the age of the chillies is eighty-ninety days after planting.

Thus the tiers of planting hydroponic chilli easily. You can do it your self at home or do it on your chilli cultivation. Do no longer forget about to usually read other gardening articles just here . Happy gardening and hopefully can be useful.

How to Plant Longevan in Home


How to Plant Longevan at Home Home - Longan is a form of fruit that has the content material resembles rambutan and skin resembles duku pores and skin. In Indonesia by myself this biuah has many types. This fruit is bought inside the marketplace at an low cost rate and may be purchased by various circles.

The fruit of this kelengkeng has many enthusiasts due to its distinctive and sweet flavor. In its improvement is now a tree kelengkeng also can be planted in pots. Sentra and distribution of farm kelengkeng already extensively unfold throughout Indonesia, Asia and some international locations in Africa, Europe and America. The primary techniques of planting plants kelengkeng range.

Cultivation of kelengkeng within the yard or in the front of the house is the pleasant desire, because the cultivation of crops isn't always too high-priced, and the method of cultivation is realistic, efficient, reasonably-priced and may reach anybody who live inside the town or village.

Plant kelengkeng has been evolved either generatively (seed) or thru vegetative way. Each of these techniques has its very own advantages. You can decide what approach you will use to plant the plants in front of the residence.

In addition to the everyday flavor and scrumptious, fruit kelengkeng turns out to have many fitness blessings. Here are the advantages of culmination to fitness klengkeng :
  • Anti-depressant, longan fruit has vitamin content material which can loosen up the nervous machine and is capable of lessen the potential for despair.
  • Streamlining the blood flow in the frame if fed on often.
  • Ward off unfastened radicals, so can avoid most cancers.
  • Maintain immunity due to vitamin C content material in fruit kelengkeng.
That is the advantages of fruit kelengkeng for health. If you need to grow fruit crops in the front of your house, right here are the stairs to plant fruit plants in the front of the house.

How to Plant Longevan in Home
  • The first stage that must be completed earlier than beginning to plant longan is to prepare seedlings that may be received through planting seeds, grafting, grafting or cuttings. You can also purchase seedlings at your subscription shop and choose the type of lenght you want to plant.

  • The subsequent degree is the cultivation of plantation location that may be finished by means of embracing and creating a square-formed planting hole with the length x width x peak a hundred x a hundred x 40 cm with a distance of 2-three meters or you can modify the wishes of the land that will be in use.
  • Add the manure from the cattle dung as a whole lot as five-10 kg for each planting hollow into the planting hollow that has been excavated. Wait some days until the planting land can be planted seeds kelengkeng.
  • Treatment of the longan tree itself does now not require complicated remedy, the remedy is to clean the grass or shrub that grows close by and do the fertilization once more after the 30 12 months old kelengkeng after planting and might be better fertilization performed with manure. In addition you may also use the type of inorganic fertilizer NPK given at some point of the first year.
  • Watering the lengthy tree can be completed 2 instances an afternoon for the duration of the morning and afternoon in its infancy.
  • In addition to fertilizer software on the plant kelengkeng, pruning is likewise required for the tree kelengkeng too high. Pruning can be executed at the sixth, 9th, twelfth and next pruning consistent with the situation of the tree. The greater branches then the fruit out also increasingly more.

  • Harvest fruit harvest sports must be finished according with the level of fruit fruit maturity due to the fact in a single tree isn't cooked concurrently. Harvesting of mature fruits is accomplished as wanted.
  • In the early harvest, commonly the fruit of the transplant isn't always an excessive amount of, the range of 20-50 portions of planting, but in the next harvest will keep growing even doubled, and so on. Early harvest of fruit kelengkeng usually takes place at the time of the 1 yr vintage vegetation with quite a few fruit.
  • How to harvest the fruit kelengkeng is by picking the fruit of kelengkeng that has been cooked in the tree directly and then the fruit that has been harvested cleaned using clean water and dry.
Thus the degrees of planting a longan in the front of the residence. You can do it yourself at domestic. Do not forget to usually study different gardening articles just here . Happy gardening and optimistically may be beneficial.