
How to Plant Strawberries Hydroponically

How to Plant Strawberries Hydroponically

How to Plant Strawberry Hydroponics - Hydroponics is a cultivation educational without soil media that does not provide nutrients and is the degree of agriculture under controlled environmental conditions. Strawberries aren't a touch vegetative manner by way of the usage of vines aka stolon. Sulur is a special stem springing up from the leaf's armpits. Sulur grows parallel to the soil and form buds of each sapling. In each e-book buds develop roots and develop into new plants. From every parent plant can be received 20 timber to be seeded. If the seeds have grown and feature 4-5 portions of leaves can be moved to the bed with a spacing of 15 × 15 cm. Before transferred the seeds must be decided on first, which is selected seeds are healthful and robust. Two months later the vines are prepared to be moved into the lawn (Herlinayanti, 2003).

Strawberries belong to one of the few easy-to-use flora with in vitro techniques. From one shoot meristem potential of 0.5 to 0.7 mm can be produced 15-20 shoots according to week. Of the 15 shoots obtained may be divided into 7-eight agencies, each along with two shoots. Within 6-8 weeks the new organization will re-form some of shoots. Then the shoots are damaged down into businesses to provide lots of flowers (Gunawan, 1996).

According Gunawan (2008) critical aspect in before make planting in greenhouse is sterilization of greenhouse. Sterilization is performed a good way to smooth the complete greenhouse from microorganisms (eggs / larvae, viruses, bacteria and fungi) that could worsen the plant. There are numerous substances that can be used in sterilization, among others; Lysol, formaldehyde and some forms of pesticides, by using the way: 5% Formalin is sprayed onto all degrees of greenhouse with a awareness of five cc / liter of water; Within four-5 days after spraying formalin followed through spraying of insecticides (insecticides and fungicides) and repeated up to 2-3 instances A day before planting medium, greenhouse sprayed with lysol solution with 3-five cc / liter water attention and Installation of foot disinfectant tub So that infection can't be added into the greenhouse. 

When grown in pots, the media have to have shaft properties, smooth to seep water and nutrients frequently there (Anonymous, 2009a). While strawberry flora are planted in a closed area (greenhouse) can use rockwool media aka charcoal husk. Rockwool is limestone, which is blended with yarn fibers processed at high temperatures (600º C). Charcoal husk comes from the blistered rice husk. Both planting medium is used for planting through hydroponics. In fashionable, husk charcoal is extra normally used by farmers for the planting of non-binding nutrient strawberries. So the vitamins that are given to flora can be controlled and no longer harm the roots while the vegetation are eliminated (Budiman and Desi, 2005).

In the hydroponic cultivation device the important vitamins wished through the plant are furnished within the form of solution / vitamins. The nutrient answer is built with an instructional dissolving the salts of the fertilizer in water. Some salt-kind fertilizers may be used for nutrient solution (Anonymous, 2009b). One of the problems in making ready this nutrient answer is the lack of ultimate nutrient dosage for plant growth. At too low doses the effect of nutrient answer is unreal, whereas in too high doses it may displace the plant undergoing plasmolysis, ie the discharge of cell fluid due to interest by way of the more concentrated nutrient solution (Wijayani, 2000; Marschner, 1986).

Fertilization and Watering (fertigation) on the cultivation of hydroponics structures are normally done in the equal way. Technical fertigation can be executed with manual alias drip irrigation system (Drip irrigation machine). But the best technical fertigation is the watering system of drops due to the fact fertigation may be allotted in a uniform way, minimizing labor, saving time. There are numerous factors that want interest inside the watering gadget drops namely; The price of water (supply of water) will be smooth and unfastened from sicknesses and chemical substances, nutritional cost with nutrient composition with the wishes of vegetation and has a 100% soluble performance, time, volume and frequency of fertigation and media type used (Gunawan, 2008).

There are several critical factors in figuring out the hydroponic vitamins method which include: Wear water-soluble salts; Minimize the content of sodium, chloride, ammonium and natural nitrogen factors not wanted for plant increase and Wear non-opposed salt composition with each different. [source]

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